Introduction to Lie algebras and groups for beginners
报告人:Prof. Jun Morita
时间:2019-10-23 09:00、15:00
1.We review finite dimensional simple Lie algebras and groups as a rough sketch. We begin with Dynkin diagrams and several typical examples. Then, we reach a classification of finite dimensional simple Lie algebras and Dynkin diagrams.
2.We introduce some infinite dimensional world as a natural generalization. That is, Kac-Moody lie algebras and groups are discussed. Then, we find a very important class, called of affine type, including loop algebras and loop groups.
3.We see several important properties of Kac- Moody Lie algebras and groups. In group case, for example, we discuss Tits construction, Bruhat decomposition, presentation, simplicity, K2 group and some other related topics.
Limit theorems for the tagged particle in exclusion processes on regular tree
时间:2019-10-24 16:30
摘要:We consider exclusion processes on a rooted d-regular tree. We start from a Bernoulli product measure conditioned on having a particle at the root, which we call the tagged particle. For d> 2, we show that the tagged particle has positive linear speed and satisfies a central limit theorem. we give an explicit formula for the speed. As a key step in the proof, we first show that the exclusion process " seen from the tagged particle"has an ergodic invariant measure. The talk is based on a joint paper with Peng Chen. Nina Gantert. Dominik Schmid.
An ensemble dynamic flux modelling of glycerol metabolism in Klebsiella pneumoniae
时间:2019-10-26 10:00
摘要:Computational models for the determination of in vivo metabolic fluxes provide great insight into the understanding of cellular metabolism, and provide guidance for design, control and optimization of biotechnological processes. In this paper, an ensemble modelling framework is proposed for the determination of the dynamic flux distribution of glycerol metabolic pathways in Klebsiella pneumoniae. This integrated model consists of two different kinetic models for extracellular concentrations and a constraint-based model for intracellular fluxes. The extracellular kinetic models provide time-varying input fluxes for the intracellular system, resulting in a dynamic evaluation of intracellular flux distribution from non-steady state to steady state in continuous culture. The objective function in the constraint-based intracellular model is inferred through a bilevel programming problem. The computed fluxes are in consistent with experimental data under both substrate-limited and substrate-excess cultures. The simulated results also show the profiles of the intermediate fluxes. They help to understand the particular metabolism, serving as a theoretical guide for the optimization of theses processes.
Operators in type II1 factors
时间:2019-10-26 9:00
摘要:I will talk about some open problems related to operators in type II1 factors, which include the invariant subspace problem, the strongly irreducible operators, irreducible operators reducible operators in type II1 factors.
On the similarity of Cowen-Douglas operators with index one
时间:2019-10-26 10:00
摘要:In this talk, we introduce a new operator class of Cowen-Douglas operators with index two (denoted by $NFB_2(\Omega)$). We consider the unitarily classification of operators in $NFB_2(\Omega)$. As application, we give a similarity classification theorem of Cowen-Douglas operators with index one.