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美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的两位女性宇航员杰西卡·梅尔(Jessica Meir)和克里斯蒂娜·科赫(Christina Koch)上周实现了首次全女性宇航员的太空行走,时长约6.5小时。她们的任务是修复空间站电池充电器的故障。

杰西卡·梅尔 (左) 和 克里斯蒂娜·科赫(右) via VCG

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Twitter users have launched dozens of snarky memes into digital orbit after Hillary Clinton recounted how NASA had crushed her childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.
Marking the first all-woman spacewalk, Clinton illustrated just how far gender equality has come in the last 60 years.
“When I was a little girl, I wrote to NASA and told them I dreamed of being an astronaut. They wrote back and said they weren’t taking girls,” the former presidential candidate tweeted, because apparently everything has to be about her. She then expressed hope that a “new generation of little girls” will be able to reach for the stars.
▲Did NASA even exist then? Clinton lampooned for claiming space agency ENDED her childhood dreams of becoming astronaut (via RT)

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Social media users immediately began to pick apart the rather far-fetched tale.
One top reply correctly noted that Clinton was born in 1947, more than 10 years before NASA was founded. Furthermore, it wasn’t until 1962 that the US put an astronaut in space – making her story hard to believe.
▲Did NASA even exist then? Clinton lampooned for claiming space agency ENDED her childhood dreams of becoming astronaut (via RT)

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Others pointed to Clinton’s previous tall tales that were later proven to be demonstrably false, including her claim that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
▲Did NASA even exist then? Clinton lampooned for claiming space agency ENDED her childhood dreams of becoming astronaut (via RT)

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Omigod stop lying. NASA didn't even recruit astronauts until you were twelve. This is like when you said you were named after Edmund Hillary, the man who first climbed Everest. Except that happened six years after you were born. Just go chill in Cedar Rapids or something.
Via Twitter
Given Clinton’s shaky track record when it comes to keeping documents, several suspicious netizens demanded to see the alleged rejection letter.
▲Did NASA even exist then? Clinton lampooned for claiming space agency ENDED her childhood dreams of becoming astronaut (via RT)

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Can you show us a copy of the letter they wrote back to you? Or did they email you the response? Did you delete it?
Via Twitter
The response to her childhood story wasn’t completely negative, however. If Clinton is still interested in going into space, that could certainly be arranged – on condition that she stays there, a generous Twitter user suggested.
▲Did NASA even exist then? Clinton lampooned for claiming space agency ENDED her childhood dreams of becoming astronaut (via RT)

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Well, it's not too late for us to blast you off to space and leave you there. Your dream will be fulfilled!
Via Twitter
Although it's the 221st spacewalk performed in support of space station assembly, it's the first to be conducted entirely by women, NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Christina Koch. It’s the first spacewalk for Meir; she’ll become the 15th woman overall and 14th U.S. woman to spacewalk.
The first all-woman spacewalk is a milestone worth noting and celebrating. Our achievements provide inspiration to students around the world, proving that hard work can lead you to great heights, and all students should be able to see themselves in those achievements.
▲Friday's All-Woman Spacewalk: The Basics (via nasa.gov)

克里斯蒂娜·科赫(左)和杰西卡·梅尔 (右) 和 via VCG
文:Du Qiongfang
资料:RT, Twitter, NASA
图/题图:Twitter, VCG